Friday, 29 January 2021


 ''Are you alright?' you asked me out of the blue. We didn't even know each other back then, but this question made me feel safe even cared for after a long time. You asked if I was alright again and I replied : " Yeah I am fine". 

Something shook within and I became alert. Adjusting my dress I looked down and sideways to confirm I was looking just normal. Collecting my curls spread all over my face I tied them into a bun. While I was fishing for my hairpin in my bag you stepped forward with the pin on the ground, "are you looking for this?" I replied: "yes" and took it from your hand and tucked in my hair. There was this first eye contact I made with a man after being boisterously manhandled. You looked concerned and your eyes were like a mirror reflecting your innocence, truthfulness and care.

We sat for approximately an hour waiting for the bus that day, in that hour I realized I can befriend and trust someone in this Men's world.  The comfort and safety that you made me feel that day was the reason I stood stronger after the wrath that had just happened. Anger, fury, recklessness, and demureness would not have passed had you not been there by my side all this while.

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O feelings! O feelings! Hold on.. Keep it all buried Ere before he notices all Before he gets to see you  Before the world sees you Behold w...